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Thursday, April 21, 2011

If all you need is Writing...

I've been thinking about what lesson plan templates to create next. I had hit a kind of a block. I think I was so absorbed in what my students and I were creating that I had not space in my brain to create anything else. Anyway, the other day as I was reading Abby from the Inspired Apple it hit me... I would make a Writing template. So below you will see a 1 page Writing template. I patterned it off of Lucy Calkins Units of Study but made it generic for everyone to use with any writing program. I think I will try out my new name system and call this one Wendy's Writing. What can I say I love alliteration.

Wendy's Writing
This template is a 1 page Mon-Friday template and has sections for your lesson, conferencing, and a check list for the choice of sharing you would like to do with your students. On the far right I have given you a miscellaneous column so that you may write anything you may think of during your writing time.
To read more about it please visit the templates page.

Ms. M

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Template names...

I am having a hard time naming my templates. I thought I would give them names that describe them. Like 2 page Reading, etc... However, I would end up with several templates with the same name. Then I thought I would give them some creative names. That's how I ended up with "Easy Guided Reading", "At My Finger Tips" & "5 Min. Math".

Well, I guess I am tapping out my creativity by making the templates because I am just drawing a blank. Another thought was to give the templates people names, I like that idea too, but I am not sure. What do you think???

Do you have any creative names?
Second, I was wondering if there were any templates you would like for me to make. I can make 50 reading templates but that won't help you if what you really want is a content LP template. SO please let me know what you would like to see me create. Is there a particular subject you would like a template for?

I'm looking forward to your responses.

Ms. M

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2 page template for sale...

I've just uploaded my first premade 2 page template for both your reading/ language arts block, math & content. They are made to sit side by side. I am calling this template "Is everything here?" To read more about it please visit the templates page and scroll down to the bottom.

Here are a few screen shots.

Ms. M

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Easy Guided Reading template for sale.

I've just posted a new template for sale. It is called Easy Guided Reading. It is very similar to what I use with my classes. This template is 1pg for your Guided Reading instruction, Mon - Friday. Have easy access to your plans for each group by keeping it on a clipboard or in a page protector near your Guided Reading table/ center. To see the details scroll to the bottom of the Templates page
Here is a screen shot.
(Click image to enlarge.)

Ms. M

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Math Template is avaliable for purchase...

 There is now a new template for sale. This one is a 1 page template for Math. It is worth $2.00. For details go to the Template section.

Math in 5 min.
Ms. M

Friday, April 1, 2011

Freebie Home Work Template avaliable

Thought I would let you know that I put up another freebie. This one is a Homework template. It can be found in the freebies page. Here are a few screen shots.

As always if you want the editable Word version you have to email me. However, I do have to WARN you. If you don't have the SigAPrint font on your computer Word might mess with the margins & the document might not look like mine.

Happy Friday,
Ms. M
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