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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

An update and more cards...

I received a request to share my own personal ELL lesson plans, so I am currently tweaking them, changing the font to a free font, and will post them for sale soon. There will be a plan for Kinder and one for First as well. Keep an eye open for those. Meanwhile, enjoy some pictures.

I get a kick out of posting these cards from Otherworldly Cards, on Etsy. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Please go take a look, they are going quickly. :)

Click on the card name to be redirected to the listing.

Hope your having a good week.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's back!

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share that my form is back up and working now.

I also wanted to share that I am working on a new template. Something new, we shall see where I go with this one. So stay tuned.

Meanwhile, I'll leave you with some screen shots of some new cards up and ready for purchase over at Other Worldly Cards.

(You have got to see the inside of this card!)

Have a great day and come back soon.
Ladybug Teaching Resources